Low-Tech Tips for Success

The first route many small businesses take when faced with problems is to look for the latest and greatest high-tech solution. Newer does not always mean better. Sometimes going the low-tech, even no-tech, route can wind up giving your business the edge it needs. On today's show, Ralph discusses 7 low-tech tips for small business owners seeking to make a greater and more personal impact with clients. Submit you questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at askralph@askralphmedia.com.

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For more information, read the entire article from USA Today here:

Abrams, Rhonda. (2017, November 08). 7 Low-Tech Success Secrets for Small Businesses. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/columnist/abrams/2017/11/08/7-low-tech-success-secrets-small-businesses/841974001/

Check out this episode!


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