
Showing posts from March, 2018

Radio Broadcast

Check out this Saturday's radio broadcast at 8:00AM on WILM 1450 ( ) in Wilmington, WDOV 1410 ( ) in Dover and live on iHeart Radio. On this week's show, Ralph tackles why more Americans are not saving for their retirement, outlines the benefits of parenthood from a tax filing standpoint and discusses some IRS penalties to avoid as the filing deadline approaches. Subscribe to our Podcast for more content! You can also like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or email us at . Check out this episode!

Elimination of Misc. Itemized Deductions

The Federal tax reform passed in December has created changes to the tax rate and bracket structure, with an elimination of personal exemptions and certain itemized deductions. The changes were implemented for 2018, and will affect filing in spring 2019. That does not mean it is too early to start thinking about what this means for taxpayers. On today's show, Ralph reviews the various changes and effects to deductions set to take effect in the coming filing seasons. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at . Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

15 Q's & A's for Tax Season

On today's show, Ralph discusses 15 relevant and burning tax season questions to get the answers to before April 17th. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at . Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

Watch Out for Tax Frauds

In your rush to file your taxes this year, do not forget to watch out for fraudulent tax preparers. Crooked tax preparers will lure you with the promise of big refunds and easy fixes. Beware that you will be on the hook to pay more money when the IRS catches on to the fact that your return is botched. On today's show, Ralph discusses signs to help you spot a fraudulent tax preparer and keep yourself safe. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at . Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

Radio Broadcast

Check out this Saturday's radio broadcast at 8:00AM on WILM 1450 ( ) in Wilmington, WDOV 1410 ( ) in Dover and live on iHeart Radio. On this week's show, Ralph talks about the updates to itemized deductions taking effect in 2018, how to spot fraudulent tax preparers and answers the top tax questions posed this filing season.   Subscribe to our Podcast for more content! You can also like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or email us at .   Check out this episode!

Signs That You Shouldn't Do Your Own Taxes

Paying taxes is painful enough. We understand why forking over even more of your hard-earned money to pay someone to prepare your tax return would seem out of the question? If your tax situation is straightforward, a professional preparer is not needed. But for some taxpayers, it is worth spending the money to get professional help. On today's show, Ralph outlines signs for knowing when to hire a tax expert. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Read the full article by Wendy Connick at   Check out this episode!

5 Things To Do Before Tax Day (for Small Business Owners)

If you’re a small business owner, Tax Day (April 17th) has a wholly different connotation than it does for most of America. While most working Americans, are excitedly anticipating the receipt of a big refund check, small business owners dread the annual scramble to gather their K1s, compile deductions, and sort through receipts. On today's show, Ralph reviews five things small business owner should do to get ready for the filing deadline. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Read the full article by Alex Chriss at   Check out this episode!

How Long to Keep Tax Records?

If you think your tax work is done once you file your return, think again. Now you need to file your tax records. Keeping your tax returns and the documents you used to complete them obviously is critical in case you are ever audited. Good record-keeping also could help if you need to file an amended return because you discovered a mistake or learned of a tax break you should have claimed. On today's show, Ralph reviews how long you need to keep tax records. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

Radio Broadcast

Check out this Saturday's radio broadcast at 8:00AM on WILM 1450 ( ) in Wilmington, WDOV 1410 ( ) in Dover and live on iHeart Radio. On this week's show, Ralph speaks about how long you should keep tax documents, lays out four reasons you shouldn't do your own taxes and lists out must-dos for small business owners before April 17th.  Subscribe to our Podcast for more content! You can also like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or email us at .   Check out this episode!

Ways to Invite an IRS Audit

An IRS tax audit stands out as one of those events in life that people typically want to avoid. No one wants to sit through a meeting with the IRS and be told that they owe more money in taxes. However, you may be making mistakes when you file taxes that will inevitably lead to the singling out your return for scrutiny. On today's show, Ralph outlines everything you need to avoid when filing your return that could lead to an audit. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

New Year, New Code, New W-4 Form to Update

As many of us file and complete our returns this tax season, keep in mind that the changes as a result of tax reform largely go into effect  next year , when you're filing your 2018 tax return in 2019. What you will see this year are changes to your paycheck — since the IRS has updated the income withholding tables to reflect the changes in the tax bill. This also means that every employee should review the new 2018 IRS W-4 form released recently and update as needed to make sure you are withholding the right amount under the new legislation. On today's show, Ralph reviews the changes to the most recent version of the IRS W-4 form and outlines how to do a "paycheck checkup" to make sure you are not blindsided next filing season. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To sch

Top Fake Tax Tips to Know

It’s that time of the year again. The time when Tax Day is fast approaching and you start hearing conflicting things from friends and family about what is—and what is not—okay when filing your taxes. There is a lot of misinformation out there about various deductions, loopholes, and write-offs that can get you into trouble. On today's show, Ralph discusses some common uninformed and false tax tips to save you from ending up on the IRS' radar. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Read Tina Orem's article entitled, " 5 Pieces of Popular Tax Advice That Are Actually Baloney" originally posted on NerdWallet on February 22, 2017 (

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

Did you know that the Ask Ralph podcast is available to download directly from Apple Podcasts? Got to your Apple Podcast app and search "Ask Ralph" today. Catch up on episodes, subscribe for new content ever week, and rate us to let us know how we are doing! Link:    Check out this episode!

Claiming Social Security at Age 70

Nearly 62 million people rely on Social Security benefits each month, making it arguably America's most important social program. Of these beneficiaries, more than three out of five are reliant on the program to provide at least half of their monthly income. Yet for as important as Social Security is for the nation's retired workforce, knowledge surrounding Social Security is lacking. On today's show, Ralph discusses social security and when is the best time to claim. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

Often-Missed Tax Deductions

The recent tax overhaul is taking away some tax breaks and keeping many others. S ome deductions will only be available for the 2017 tax year, while others-although available, might not be worth using anymore after this year due to the significant increase in the standard deduction, which will make itemizing unnecessary for many millions of taxpayers. On today's show, Ralph overviews the most commonly missed tax deductions by self-filers and even some paid-preparers. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

Subscribe on TuneIn

Did you know that the Ask Ralph podcast is now on TuneIn? Subscribe and listen to Ask Ralph on TuneIn today for the latest episodes! Link: Check out this episode!

5 Tax Mistakes to Avoid

The U.S. tax code is nearly 4 million words. That is a lot of complicated tax jargon. However, even though the rules are complex, most of the mistakes taxpayers make on their returns are fairly simple. Read on to see if your making one of these 10 common mistakes on your tax return. On today's show, Ralph review the top five common mistakes made when filing your tax returns. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit for more information. To schedule a consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to for more information! Check out this episode!

Identity Theft Protection Tips

Identity theft is a crime that is estimated to affect over 9 million Americans per year, with levels on the rise. When an identity thief gets his (or her) hands on your personal information, they gain the power to wreak havoc on your finances, credit and reputation. The bad news is that you cannot protect yourself 100% from identity theft. The good news is you can greatly reduce your risk by acting quickly when your personal information has been compromised. On today's show, Ralph reviews 12 steps to keep your identity safe! Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at . Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit  for more information. To schedule a new business consultation with Ralph, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to  for more information! Check out this episode!